The European Registry for Minimally Invasive Pancreatic Surgery
The European Minimally Invasive Pancreatic Surgery (E-MIPS) registry, endorsed by the E-AHPBA, started in 2019. The aim of the registry is to monitor safety outcomes and to aid in future research projects. This registry collects data prospectively on all laparoscopic and robotic pancreatic procedures (including distal pancreatectomy, enucleation, central pancreatectomy and pancreatoduodenectomy) performed in E-AHPBA centers. In the first year, around 1100 patients from 50 centers in 17 countries have been enrolled. Here some features:
- Participation in the registry is for free
- Both low- and high volume centers are invited to join and are listed on www.e-mips.com
- Each year, every center will receive their outcomes in comparison to the other (anonymous) centers.
- All centers have continuous online access to their own data
- All participating centers are able to send in proposals for studies which will be reviewed by the EMIPS scientific committee.
We are setting up collaborations with national ongoing registries in Italy, The Netherlands and Norway so that data can be transferred automatically to avoid the need for double data entry.
At the moment data from 2019 is being used for the first E-MIPS registry study and the aim is that many will follow.
To sign up for the E-MIPS registry please use this link which will lead you to a short (2-3 minutes) survey, so we have some baseline information of your center on type of resections performed and volume. Here you will also find the website where you can create an account for our electronic database (CASTOR).
For any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact our registry coordinators or have a look on www.e-mips.com.
We hope to welcome you soon.
Many thanks,
Registry coordinators:
Nicky van der Heijde
Frederique Vissers
Giuseppe Zimmitti
Alberto Manzoni
Registry steering committee:
Mo Abu Hilal, Marc Besselink and the E-MIPS steering committee
E-MIPS national leads
E-AHBPA Innovation and Development committee