Dear E-AHPBA members,
It has been a successful second half to the year for the Association with many highlights to report on.
The E-AHPBA hosted the IHPBA 2018 World Congress from the 4th – 7th September in Geneva, Switzerland. It was a hugely successful congress which provided a high-quality scientific programme and a fantastic platform for networking. It was great to see so many colleagues and meet new friends. I would like to take this opportunity on behalf of the E-AHPBA Council to congratulate Professor Pierre-Alain Clavien, Professor Rowan Parks and the team involved for their hard work and dedication.
The E-AHPBA Education Committee and Innovation and Development Committee have worked together to successfully deliver the first E-AHPBA Gold Seal Technical Course in Robotic Surgery at the Orsi Academy in Belgium late November. This was a ground-breaking moment in the development of the E-AHPBA Education programme and we look forward to providing more courses within this area and other emerging techniques to support further training for our members. I would like to congratulate Professor Xavier Rogiers, Professor Mohammed Abu Hilal and Dr Aude Vanlander for all their hard work and dedication in producing a detailed programme including both theory and practical sessions. The feedback received has been extremely positive and it has been a great way to launch the E-AHPBA led Gold Seal Technical Course programme.
I am also delighted to announce that our membership is now just over 1000 members which is a fantastic achievement and testimony to the growth and development that has taken place within the E-AHPBA over the recent years. I would like to thank the E-AHPBA Council and Committees for their ongoing work and commitment to the Association.
E-AHPBA members can now look forward to 2019 with opportunities ranging from the E-AHPBA Gold Seal Post Graduate Course – Pancreatic Cancer, led by myself which will be held in Athens on the 24th and 25th January 2019. The programme is confirmed and you can read more further on within this newsletter.
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Then of course the E-AHPBA 2019 Congress will be held in Amsterdam from the 2nd to the 5th June 2019. The Abstract submission process is open and you can register now for the meeting! This is the highlight within the E-AHPBA calendar and our Dutch colleagues are working hard to produce what’s shaping up to be an excellent Scientific Programme and wonderful supporting social programme. I would encourage as many of you as possible to attend. Professor Olivier Busch, Chair of the Local Organising Committee, has kindly provided an update on the congress progress which you can read further on within this newsletter, alternative you can visit the website
Thank you all for your ongoing commitment to the E-AHPBA and I will look forward to welcoming some of you to Athens in January.
Best wishes,
Christos Dervenis
E-AHPBA President