Festive Greetings from E-AHPBA Council
E-AHPBA Goals for 2023-2025
E-AHPBA President & Executive Committee Goals
President: Prof. Marc Besselink
- Development of an Early Career Group.
- Develop the role of the Mentorship Programme.
- Secure new and long-term industry partners.
- Continue to deliver education and webinars to all members and beyond.
Membership Committee Goals
Chair: Prof. Giovanni Marchegiani
- Increase membership by 10%, focusing on Africa and the Middle East.
- Develop the Early Career Group.
- Create 3 new National Chapters.
Scientific & Research Committee Goals
Chair: Prof. Jose Manuel Ramia
- Publish 5 projects in the next 2 years.
- Formalise endorsement process and outline timeline.
- Establish small grant process for endorsement process.
Education Committee Goals
Chair: Prof. Kjetil Soreide
- To have a robust and continuous webinar and case discussion series to be put onto an online academy.
- To continue in-person Post Graduate Courses
- To explore the merging of collaboration with UEMS, ESSO and E-AHPBA from a curriculum point of view, which could link with the TPA.
Communication Committee Goals
Chair: Prof. Carlijn Buis
- To grow X and LinkedIn followers by 10%.
- To strengthen communication between the committees by having a liaison on each committee.
- To evaluate surveys on South African members and local initiatives in the Gulf region.
Innovation Committee Goals
Chair: Prof. Oliver Strobel
- Disseminate knowledge within E-AHPBA of areas of innovation and new technologies, e.g. using literature reviews and position statements.
- Promote the use of innovative technology such as 3D imaging and enhanced visualisation in surgical planning and training.
- Assessment of novel technologies and strategies of ablative techniques in the liver.