E-AHPBA Newsletter – Summer 2021
Dear Colleagues
As we approach the 14th Congress of the E-AHPBA on the 15-17th September 2021, I wanted to highlight some of the exciting elements of the Congress and what we have planned for our members and the entire HPB community.
The Scientific Programme developed by the team led by Professor Marc Besselink, is exceptional, and really highlights what is now, and what is new within HPB. There is a true focus on innovation. Professor Besselink has created a short video telling you about some of the sessions and why you cannot miss E-AHPBA 2021!
The E-AHPBA Executive and the Programme Committee have been making a conscious and determined effort to address at the gender diversity within the Congress Programme. Professor Isabella Frigerio, E-AHPBA Council Member and Co-founder and Past President WIS Italia, shares a little about the process of addressing the diversity within the Congress and surgical community.
As customary with our Congress we are delighted to be running a Gold Seal Post Graduate Course alongside the event. The Course will be accredited and will cover the core topics for the for the HPB UEMS examination. Course Chair and Vice President of the UEMS, Professor Michelle De Oliveira tells us more…
With all of this planned, I am very excited about the meeting in Virtual Bilbao in a few months’ time. The programme will be excellent and although it is not face-to-face, the platform and networking opportunities will offer us all a chance to engage and meet new friends and connect with old friends. I really look forward to engaging with you all.
Best Wishes to All,
Professor Kevin Conlon
E-AHPBA President