E-AHPBA 2023 Travel Grants
Dear IHPBA Members
With the support of the IHPBA Foundation the E-AHPBA is pleased to be able to offer 10 travel grants to young abstract presenters who will attend the E-AHPBA 2023 Congress.
The eligibility criteria for award are as follows:
• Be an IHPBA (Members from E-AHPBA, AHPBA or A-PHPBA are all eligible) member
• Under the age of 40 before 30 March 2023 or within the first 5 years of qualifying as a specialist surgeon.
• Practice in a low-resource country – click here for list of eligible countries.
• Spend 50% of working time in a medical school, teaching, or government hospital.
• Commit to present an oral communication, poster, or video in English (or French for specified French language sessions) if your submitted abstract is accepted.
• Be available to attend the full Scientific Programme of the Congress (6 June- 9 June).
• Have or be able to obtain the required documents for travel to France.
Application requirements:
• A letter of recommendation is required from the chair of your department, programme director or president of your local National/Regional Chapter. The letter must confirm that ALL the eligibility criteria have been met prior to application.
• A written statement from the applicant explaining why you are applying and the potential benefits for you if you attend.
• A short CV, less than 4 pages, should be submitted.
• An abstract submitted on or before the deadline date of 24 January 2023
The travel grant will be an €800 payment to be used toward accommodation and travel to the Congress. Your registration to the Congress will also be covered on top of this.
If you would like to apply for an E-AHPBA Congress Travel Grant, please complete the following application before Monday 24th April 2023
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Kind regards
Carrie Hooper
On behalf of the E-AHPBA Executive and Scientific & Research Committees.