14th E-AHPBA Congress – Date Change
E-AHPBA are excited to be planning a virtual element to our 14th E-AHPBA Congress in Bilbao. Covid-19 has changed the congress industry and we are working with the local organising committee to develop a wonderful programme that can be enjoyed remotely, but more over we hope that the pandemic will be in decline and we can meet with as many of you as possible in Bilbao. In addition to these format changes that were introduced a further step has been agreed by the Executive Committee and the E-AHPBA 2021 Bilbao Local Organising Committee to move the dates of the Congress from June to September 2021. This change in will provide an opportunity for more of us to meet face to face and continue enabling the networking and collegiality that the E-AHPBA Congress is renowned for. The new dates will be Wednesday 15th to Friday 17th September 2021 with the Post Graduate Course on the Wednesday followed by two main Congress days on Thursday and Friday.
You can read more on the Congress webpage – https://www.eahpba2021bilbao.com/