Message from the E-AHPBA President, Professor Kevin Conlon
Dear E-AHPBA members,
I would like to express how delighted I am to be appointed as President of the E-AHPBA. I very much look forward to the coming term, to work with the Council and Committees and you, our members, to continue the growth and development of the Association that has already been so successful over the past two years.
The 13th Congress of the E-AHPBA held 3rd to the 5th June 2019 in Amsterdam was a huge success, I would like to thank Professor Busch and his team once again for the organisation and delivery of a great event. I hope you all had the opportunity to join and benefit not only from the informative well-constructed programme, but also from the networking opportunities throughout the week. It was great to meet up with so many old friends and colleagues, and to also forge new relationships.
The Amsterdam Congress was also a productive week for the Council and Committees of the Association. There was a packed meeting schedule which included the E-AHPBA Strategy and Council meetings, joint E-AHPBA and IHPBA Executive meetings along with E-AHPBA Committee meetings. The Association is planned to continue with the progressive growth and development that has happened over the past two years.
We appreciate your ongoing input and welcome suggestions from our members. I look forward to working with you all.
Best wishes,
Kevin Conlon
E-AHPBA President