The E-AHPBA and IHPBA have joined together to offer a single fee for membership of both Associations. Combined members enjoy full membership in both the European-African Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association as well as the International Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association.
Includes HPB Journal.
Members from low income countries can enjoy full member benefits at special reduced price.
Available on application after retirement from active academic or clinical practice. Senior members shall have all the rights of active members except voting rights but are exempt from the annual dues, and these members do not receive the HPB journal. For more information please email
Considered for those distinguished individuals who have made exceptional contributions in the fields of hepatic, pancreatic or biliary disease whether clinical or scientific. Honorary membership may be proposed by a member for consideration by the Executive Council, which will seek approval from the membership at its next Biennial Meeting. Honorary members will have all the voting rights of Active Members but are excluded from holding office and are exempt from the annual dues. For more information please email

Member Benefits
- Membership of a professional and global network
- Interaction with other HPB specialists and leaders
- myHPB thriving online community
- myHPB educational content covering over 50 key areas
- Networking and career opportunities
- Annual subscription for online access to the official journal of the Society, HPB
- The opportunity to order a printed copy of HPB to be sent to you monthly at a discounted cost
- Discount on registration fees at the E-AHPBA Biennial Regional Congress
- Discount on registration fees at the IHPBA World Congress
- Regular E-AHPBA and IHPBA electronic newsletters
- Access to the online membership directory which includes E-AHPBA, AHPBA and A-PHPBA members
- Access to technical and training guidelines
- Access to the International fellowship directory
- Access to the outreach registry and the opportunity to take part in outreach missions
- Certificate of Membership