E-AHPBA, ESSO, ESCP Consensus on the terminology,
diagnosis and management of patients with colorectal cancer
and synchronous liver metastases.
2nd – 3rd December 2022
Medical School in Zaragoza University
Zaragoza, Spain
The aim of the this two-day meeting is to produce an updated scientifically based consensus on terminology, diagnosis and management of patients with colorectal cancer and synchronous liver metastases. It will be a multi organisational consensus in partnership with the European Society of Surgical Oncology (ESSO) and the European Society of Coloproctology (ESCP).
The programme is constructed around the questions posed during the Delphi process. Attendees of the final meeting held in Zaragoza, Spain will participate by electronically voting in the decision of each statement. These results will be used to inform the final statements.
The final document will be reviewed by a small group of experts on the topic. It is likely to be published in HPB and will form a cornerstone of management.
Registration fees until 30th September
Consultants/Attending (E-AHPBA/ESCP/ESSO Members) – €275
Consultants/Attending (Non-Members) – €315
Residents/Trainees – €150
Nurses – €75
Students – €50
Registration fees from 1st October onwards
Consultants/Attending (E-AHPBA/ESCP/ESSO Members) – €325
Consultants/Attending (Non-Members) – €365
Residents/Trainees – €180
Nurses – €75
Students – €50
Confirmation of Registration
Confirmation will be sent via email upon receipt of full payment. Full payment must be received before the corresponding registration deadlines to benefit from early registration rates.
For further questions on registration, please contact the E-AHPBA Management Team: info@eahpba.org
You are required to organise your own accommodation, however we recommend the various hotels located near the meeting venue below. Please note this list is not exhaustive and other options may be available elsewhere. Please do not hesitate to proceed with your hotel booking at the earliest convenience.
Hotel Vincci Zaragoza Zentro
4-star hotel
Please visit the hotel website for further information here.
Hotel Alfonso
4-star hotel
Please visit the hotel website for further information here.
Hotel Exe Boston
4-star hotel
Please visit the hotel website for further information here.
Hotel Ilunion Romareda
4-star hotel
Please visit the hotel website for further information here.
Hotel Silken Reino de Aragón
4-star hotel
Please visit the hotel website for further information here.
The programme will be available across the two days and can be viewed below.
Travel Information
Our guide to travelling to Zaragoza, Spain, can be viewed below.
Interested in sponsoring the meeting…
Registration Cancellation Policy
Notification of changes and cancellation must be made in writing and sent to the E-AHPBA at info@eahpba.org.
- Cancellations up to and including 4th November 2022, total amount will be refunded less a cancellation fee of €50.00.
- Cancellations made after 4th November 2022, we regret that no refunds can be made.
Please contact us at info@eahpba.org.
CME Accreditation
The E-AHPBA Consensus Conference, Zaragoza, Spain, 02/12/2022-03/12/2022 has been
accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®) with
5 European CME credits (ECMEC®s). Each medical specialist should claim only those hours of credit
that he/she actually spent in the educational activity.

Through an agreement between the Union Européenne des Médecins Spécialistes and the American
Medical Association, physicians may convert EACCME® credits to an equivalent number of AMA PRA
Category 1 CreditsTM. Information on the process to convert EACCME® credit to AMA credit can be
found at www.ama-assn.org/education/earn-credit-participation-international-activities.
Live educational activities, occurring outside of Canada, recognised by the UEMS-EACCME® for
ECMEC®s are deemed to be Accredited Group Learning Activities (Section 1) as defined by the
Maintenance of Certification Program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.
Scientific Consensus Committee:
Bobby Dasari
Charles Swanton
Adam Frampton
Adam Rees
Ademola Adeyeye
Ajith Siriwardena
Alberto Porcu
Alejandro Serrablo
Amanda Law
Amr Abdelaal
Anas Hattab
Andee Zakaria
Andres Valdivieso
Anita Balakrishnan
Anthony Chan
Anya Adair
Åsmund Fretland
Beata Raus
Bert Houben
Birgit Gruenberger
Bodil Andersson
Carlijn Buis
Claire Newton
Constantinos Simillis
David Wright
Eduard Jonas
Eloy Espi
Fabio Carbone
Federica Cipriani
Florian Primavesi
Francesco Pata
Gabriella Jansson-Palmer
Ganesh Radhakrishna
Gerard Bates
Gianluca Pellino
Harry Spiers
Hassan Malik
Hauke Lang
Islam Metwally
Janet Graham
Jarno Mellenhorst
Jennifer Seligmann
Jill Sibbald
Jodie Hancock
John Devar
Joris Jaekers
Jose Zeveo
Jose-Manuel Ramia Angel
Jurriaan B. Tuynman
Karim Boudjema
Kees Verhoef
Kjetil Soreide
Konstantinos Kamposioras
Laura Rubbia-Brandt
Laurents Stassen
Luca Aldrighetti
Lucy Foster
Luis Sarria
Manuel Maglione
Marc Peters
Marta Gutiérrez-Diez
Martin Smith
Maximilian Bockhorn
Mercedes Gomez
Michael Braun
Michael Kelly
Michelle de Oliveira
Mickael Lesurtel
Mohamed Abu Hilal
Nicholas Mapstone
Nicholas Stylianides
Nicolo Tamini
Nikolaos Kartalis
Nir Wasserberg
Noreen Alam
Nuha Yassin
Oded Zmora
Pamela Buchwald
Panagiotis Petras
Paola De Nardi
Paul Ross
Rafik Filobbos
Rajesh Shah
Ray McMahon
Reto Bale
Richard Wilson
Robert Jones
Rowan Parks
Rutger-Jan Swineburg
Saifee Mullamitha
Sandra Paterna
Santhalingam Jegatheeswaran
Sarah Duff
Sarus Jain
Saurabh Jamdar
Sharon Barker
Sheraz Yaqub
Simon Gollins
Sivakumar Muthu
Solange Peters
Stefan Gilg
Stefan Morarasu
Stefan Stattner
Steven Wigmore
Teresa Perra
Thierry Conroy
Thomas Gruenberger
Vicente Alonso
Victoria Duque
Vijay Joshi
Vinotha Nadarajah
Vladimir Dugalic
Wojciech Polak
Yves Panis
Ethical MedTech
Ethical MedTech Europe has determined that the event is Compliant, view the status here.