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Purpose of the Committee:
The function of the Audit Committee will be to oversee the financial audit process, appointing an external auditor to audit the finances of the E-AHPBA on a yearly basis. Additional functions will be identified by Council as needs arise.
The Committee as a whole are responsible for overseeing effective auditing, financial reporting, internal controls and risk management within the E-AHPBA. They will:
- Oversee all systems, controls and processes that may have an impact on the E-AHPBA’s ability to meet its goals and deliver its Strategy
- Review the annual financial report and accounts before submission to the External Auditor and Executive Committee;
- Ensure that: –
- Effective audit functions are in place (both internal and external);
- Adequate risk management processes are in place;
- An adequate internal control environment is established;
- The association functions within the legal and financial requirements of the registered body
Ahmet Coker, Turkey
Dimitrios Zacharoulis, Greece
Tom Gallagher, Ireland
Roberto Salvia, Italy
Wim Eysink (external representative)
Purpose of the Committee:
The Communications Committee is responsible for maintaining and improving communication with our members and assisting with membership growth. The main goals and actions of the Committee are:
- To identify enthusiastic HPB surgeons who want to play a role in continuing the development of the Association and to encourage them to play a leadership role in the future.
- To keep the membership informed about the latest technology and social media networks and work to engage with our members through these media.
- Improve communication with IHPBA and other regional associations – IHPBA and other regional associations already have communications committees in place and linking with these committees will further the membership harmonization.
- Keep the E-AHPBA website upgraded.
- Set up the educational area of myHPB, review content and develop strategy to increase engagement
- Responsible for the creation of a web-based newsletter that will be compiled by the committee members allocated to that portfolio. The Communications Committee will oversee the production of the newsletter with final sign off from the Executive Committee. This should be issued 3 times per year, in addition to a festive message from the president.
Carlijn Buis, The Netherlands
Daniel Hartmann, Germany
Hanna Sternby, Sweden
Marcello Di Martino, Spain
Tsaramanidis Savvas, Greece
Nigel Jamieson, United Kingdom
Minahi Ilyas, United Kingdom
Fatma Umit Malya, Turkey
Zafa Khan, South Africa
Ben Jugmohan, South Africa
Amal Suhool, United Arab Emirates
Giammauro Berardi, Italy
Dejan Radenkovic, Serbia
Purpose of the Committee
The Education Committee (EC) of the European-African Hepatopancreatobiliary Association is a formally established committee of E-AHPBA responsible for creating and monitoring collaborative hepatic, pancreatic or biliary educational activities within the region.
The main goals and actions of the Committee are:
- To promote the overall educational philosophy and programmes of E-AHPBA as they are defined by the E-AHPBA Council in collaboration with the E-AHPBA EC
- To develop and implement programs and activities which will provide members with the opportunity to achieve the level of knowledge and skill necessary to advance their surgical career.
- To formulate policy and guidelines for endorsement of other educational activities within the region and to manage the review and award process of endorsement.
- To encourage training centres to become accredited by E-AHPBA and to assist in the audit of the training programme under review.
- To organise and support the courses of E-AHPBA which are part at any given time of the formal E-AHPBA educational pyramid.
- To produce the material needed for updating the educational section of the E-AHPBA website and the E-AHPBA newsletter
- To work in formal partnership with the Division of Hepatopancreatobiliary Surgery of the European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS) in the following pan European quality control projects in the fields of HPB surgery:
- exams for awarding the relevant European Diplomas
- award of Honorary Diplomas
- accreditation of centres for training in HPB Surgery
- organisation of the preparatory courses for the exams
Kjetil Soreide, Norway
Members’ Subcommittee on training centre accreditation
Marc Besselink, The Netherlands
Ajith Siriwardena, United Kingdom
Isabella Frigerio, Italy
Members’ Subcommittee on educational activities
Co-Chair – Frederik Berrevoet, Belguim
Co-Chair – Ioannis Passas, Greece
Ambareen Kausar, United Kingdom
Ela Ekmekcigil, Turkey
Michele Tedeschi, Italy
Roeland De Wilde, Netherlands
Somaiah Aroori, United Kingdom
Julie Perinel, France
Ugo Marchese, France
Francesco D’Amico, Italy
Povilas Ignatavicius, Lithuania
Fernando Rotellar, Spain
Bodil Andersson, Sweden
Purpose of the Committee
The Innovation Committee is responsible for supporting and helping in the safe and continuous expansion of new innovations within HPB. The Innovation Committee will work under the Education Cluster of E-AHPBA and the Education Committee Chair will directly report to the Executive Committee. The main goals and actions of the Committee are:
- Ensure new techniques and technological developments have an educational and promotional space within the association.
- Collaborate with the educational programmes to ensure the safe dissemination of new surgical techniques and approaches.
- Collaborate with other national and international societies with similar aims to increase the profile of the association and build foundation for future projects.
- Collaborate with the Programme Committee to ensure new techniques and technology are well represented with the Biennial Congress.
- To provide regular evidence-based updates to the E-AHPBA members of new developments and technologies.
Oliver Strobel, Austria
Co-Chair – Luca Aldrighetti, Italy
Gregor A Stavrou, Germany
Francesca Ratti, Italy
Andrew James Healey, United Kingdom
Alessandro Esposito, Italy
Matteo De Pastena, Italy
Martina Guerra, Italy
Andrea Belli, Italy
Stefan WB Bouwense, The Netherlands
Angelakoudis Apostolos, Greece
Sven Lang, Germany
Niki Rashidian, Belgium
Andrew Gumbs, France
Victor Lopez-Lopez, Spain
Purpose of Committee
The Membership Committee are responsible for developing and implementing strategies and initiatives to drive membership growth throughout the region. The main goals and actions of the Committee are:
- Recommending strategies for increasing E-AHPBA’s membership base, especially among underrepresented groups including, but not limited to, young surgeons, female surgeons and those from Africa and the Middle East.
- Gathering information on and analysing non-members’ needs and perceptions of E-AHPBA. Recommending ways in which to meet these needs to attract non-members to join E-AHPBA.
- Recommending ways to acknowledge new members and to encourage participation in E-AHPBA activities.
- The committee will oversee outreach activities of E-AHPBA in conjunction with IHPBA.
- Working with Chapter Presidents to continue growth and support of their membership and also in developing chapters in new areas.
Giovanni Marchegiani, Italy
Co-Chair – Anita Balakrishnan, United Kingdom
Elena Rangelova, Sweden
Hassan Zaria Malik, United Kingdom
Salvatore Paiella, Italy
Fiona Hand, United Kingdom
Ernesto Sparrelid, Sweden
Sean Burmeister, South Africa
Eran Sadot, Israel
Stefan Stattner, Austria
Patricia Sanchez Velazquez, Spain
Emmanuel Ekene Nweke, South Africa
Latest 3 Past Presidents
Chairman -Ajith Siriwardena, United Kingdom
Kevin Conlon, Ireland
Christos Dervenis, Greece
Marc Besselink, The Netherlands
Eduard Jonas, South Africa
Purpose of the Committee
The Programme Committee is responsible for the creation of a scientific and educational E-AHPBA Congress programme that encompasses comprehensive HPB content, stands out in excellence and includes the latest insights and findings in HPB research and clinical practice. The main goals and actions of the Committee are:
- The committee shall organize the scientific programme of the Official Congress and other activities in cooperation with the local organizing Committee.
- Committee members are required to contribute ideas and opinions on topics and speakers
- Keep local flavour of the host country in the Programme of the Congress
- The Committee act as an Abstract review committee
Moh Abu Hilal, Italy
Deputy Chairman
Stefan Heinrich, Germany
Asmund Fretland, Norway
E-AHPBA President
Marc Besselink, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
E-AHPBA President-elect
Eduard Jonas, South Africa
Chair Scientific and Research Committee
Jose Manuel Ramia, Spain
E-AHPBA 2025 LOC Chairman
Emir Hoti, Dublin, Ireland
E-AHPBA 2027 LOC Chairman
E-AHPBA 2025 LOC Members
Elie Keli, Côte d’Ivoire
Wycliffe Kaisha, Kenya
Christian Sturesson, Sweden
Emmanuel Melloul, Switzerland
Michael Lineker, Germany
Bobby VM Desari, United Kingdom
Rachel Guest, United Kingdom
Keith Roberts, United Kingdom
Pascaline Fru, South Africa
Lulu Tanno, United Kingdom
John Hammond, United Kingdom
Alejandro Serrablo, Spain
Georgios Tsoulfas, Greece
Erik Shadde, Germany
Purpose of the Committee
The Scientific & Research Committee is responsible for encouraging collaborative research in hepato-pancreato-biliary surgery within the E-AHPBA community, as well as fostering the training of young investigators.
The main goals of the Committee are:
- to provide the membership of the E-AHPBA with news and information concerning research projects, ongoing trials, meetings and surveys;
- to promote collaboration between research groups in the E-AHPBA;
- to run multicenter collaborative retrospective studies about rare diseases or rare surgical treatments;
- to provide a forum through which members of the E-AHPBA are informed of various research activities within the HPB community;
- to manage the endorsement of studies, surveys and meetings by E-AHPBA submitted from members.
Jose Manuel Ramia, Spain
Deputy Chairs
Guido Torzilli, Italy
Giuesppe Malleo, Italy
David Chang, United Kingdom
Francesco Giovinazzo, Italy
Georgios Gemenetzis United Kingdom
Phillip Kron, United Kingdom
Dejan Radenkovic, Serbia
Ferderica Cipriani, Italy
Christoph Michalski, Germany
Jakob Kirkegard, Denmark
Carlo Sposito, Italy
Moritz Schmelzle, Germany
Sanjay Pandanaboyana, United Kingdom
Gregory Tsiotos, Greece
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